Released quarterly: February, May, August, November
- Main Form 401
- Short Form 401-EZ
- Schedule A for District Tax
- Schedule B for Local Tax
- Schedule C for Allocation by Suboutlet
- Schedule G for Gasoline Sellers
- Form 1150 for prepayments
- CDTFA 65, 91, 101, 135-A, 230, 345, 392, 400-MCO, 400-MIP, 400-MT, 400-SPA, 401-DS,
401-E, 468, 531-G, 735, 501-ER Electronic Waste Fee, 501-TF Tire Fee, 501-TK Storage
Tank Fee
- Electronically file returns
- Printed forms are approved for direct submission to the CDTFA
- Prints invoice for fee collection
- Prints cover letter with client filing instructions
- Preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual returns
- Includes a Fax Cover Sheet, Memo, Attachment Sheet, and Label Maker
- Includes Gross Sales Summary Report
- Includes CDTFA form instructions and list of offices
CFS is the first software vendor certified in the CDTFA’s new Direct Transmit program. Users can electronically file the main sales and use tax returns 401-A, 401-E, 401-EZ, 401-GS, Consumer Use Tax Return, and the Lumber Products Assessment. We are certified for prepayments using the Form 1150 module.